Sunday 20 September 2009

Stuffed Animal USB Hand Warmers Quickly Brand You as "Office Weirdo" [USB]

Stuffed Animal USB Hand Warmers Quickly Brand You as "Office Weirdo" [USB]: "

If you feel like your coworkers just don't ostracize you enough, these fuzzy bear and rabbit USB hand warmers are sure to do the trick. 'Why does that guy have his hands jammed into a stuffed animal's esophagus?' they'll ask.

Though I've had the good fortune to have never worked in an office, I have seen every episode of The Office and thus feel qualified to say that wearing these things are a surefire way to turn you into a weirder, colder and furrier version of Dwight (or Gareth, or whoever fills that role in the Australian, Quebecoise etc versions). They're a little bit cute and a lot bit creepy, and available for $22.50 per pair. [Technabob]


Anonymous said...

i'm new... expectancy to despatch approximately more oftentimes!

Anonymous said...

i'm new... expectancy to brief nearly more regularly!