Wednesday 9 September 2009

Use the One Layer Rule to Cook Flavorful Meals [Food]

Use the One Layer Rule to Cook Flavorful Meals [Food]: "

Virtually anyone can cook a meal, but a good meal generally requires a modicum of culinary expertise. Men's Health suggests applying the one layer rule for better results next time you'd like to treat your taste buds to a delectable dish.

Photo by ReneS.

According to the article, it's essential not to overcrowd the pan if you're looking to enhance the flavor of your meals.

For deeply flavored foods, don't overcrowd the pan. Ingredient overload makes a pan's temperature plummet, and foods end up steaming rather than caramelizing. This adds cooking time and subtracts taste. All ingredients should fit comfortably in one layer, so use a pan that's big enough for the job, and cook in batches if necessary.

Browse the post for more cooking tips in their 'Great Chef Playbook', then share a few of your simple-but-effective cooking rules of thumb.

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